The Sustainability

The sustainability chain with analysis and documentation you need at all times. Get the tool to quick step the documentation of your improvements as key indicators in the reports.

The tool to support the 2 new bottom lines to your business.

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The Sustainability Chain

Quick and easy steps


Define the points for your sustainability chain. Report all the things that matter to the company and the community.



In real-time let the tool do the analysis, documentation and back-logs to FREE time for solution handling, right action points and better services.



With all your analysis and documentation in one chain build resilience and your sustainability chain going forward.


We love our partners
They are the engine behind our projects

We help our customers with real-time analysis and documentation solutions. A sustainable chain must be flexible, and able to support the business at all times. This little peace of software is how you gather, analyze and document your initiatives in the value chain to your sustainable chain.


A sustainable chain


realtime overview

Group 11


Involvement of the right people

Group 10


Take the lead ahead

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This tool is a small piece of software that will gather, analyze and document the Sustainability chain you need for the 2 bottom lines (EU).

Real-time information is about right information at the right time to the right people.

Real-time analysis and documentation is the core key to make better decisions and build a sustainable chain going forward.

Real-time analysis and documentation offers – minimum risk in analysis, minimum error from an unbroken chain.

Real-time offers insight and facts when you need it.

A sustainable chain is build from minimum risk assessment and setting up the right reporting framework.

The tool is delivered as an SAAS – but we are open for dialog to On-premises if your business want to secure date even more.

Flexco is part of the FlexcoGroup CVR 41789808. A privatly held company who builds on partnerships, strong alliances and compliance through building strong value chains across, by involving always the right partners into the solution.

Our goals:

To support companies in creating a strong value chain where integrity, security of access to information through a consistency evaluation method, where defined, used, documented and control ensures the chain.

Achieve flexibility and customization from information by adding structure, systems and standards. Strengthen the company’s initiatives and competitiveness.

Book a 30 min call here and get a Online Demo – HERE

To build a sustainable chain you need a process with use of minimum resources to ensure right overview at all times.

Why is real-time and sustainability related?

To get ahead earlier in the chain to discover, know and be able to address with the right action points can support any business improvements.

Choices made for the right reason.

Action taken with the right insight.

Documentation for reports and on going improvements will support the business optimize their performance at all times.

Included in your license is support and training to use the software.

From our experience, many businesses buy new software they never implement or use.

We set you up, implement, test, and train you into using real-time solutions.

Why would spend endless hours on analysis and documentation, when it’s done for you. You get the facts and insight into your needs and desire.

A sustainable chain is build from having the right information at the right time.

Real-time facts and analysis offers to give the person – closest to the task result, overview insight – have the right action points, documentation to make better decisions.

Real-time information is the key to build a resilient sustainable chain.

Sustainability Chain.

To prove we have a sustainable chain. We need to analyze and document our on-going improvements. With our solution you gain real-time insight and facts from a 3 easy step method to gather, analyze and document your needs at all times. Our goal is to help you have a sustainable chain at all times.

A Sustainable chain
Build from insight and facts to match your needs and desire to reach the world goals.